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by Date Added: Friday 22 July, 2011
  Ordered complete Canvas set in April, 2011. Set took until mid July to be manufactured. This was a little disappointing, but hey, we waited until the busiest time of year to order the set.

Upon arrival, my daughter and I set out to install the new canvas set. Everything went without a hitch. The canvas fit perfectly and the whole job from beginning to end was accomplished in 2 Hours. This included removing the old canvas.

The only shortfall in the set was that the tie backs for the curtains didn't come with the new set. With needle and thread in hand, my wife set out to install the tie backs to the flaps that cover the zippers at each end of the trailer. Now everything is perfect.

The fit is great. The only adjustment was to alter the length of the bed roof spreaders to fit the new canvas. The look is brand new and we look forward to many years of camping.

Rating:  5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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