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by Date Added: Friday 17 May, 2013
  Great service from Canvas Replacements, Delivery in the off-season was awesome. I received my canvas replacement for my 1998 Palomino Colt in great condition, the only thing I noticed was the box my canvas was shipped in was pretty beat up, but the canvas was not affected by it.
With spring finally arriving in Manitoba (Canada), it was a late start to this project as winter did not want to leave very quickly this year. I have just recently completed installing my replacement. Overall, the replacement of the canvas was not hard to accomplish, however the time to complete it was not 2 hours as suggested on some web sites (with 2 people), maybe with a brand new camper, but then why would you replace the canvas on a new camper. There were some hurdles to overcome on my install.
The 1st one was the wiring running up the side of the wall through sleeve (attached to the canvas) In order to place those wires back down the sleeve I had the choice to either detach the wires from my converter in the camper or to cut them and re-solder them once in the sleeve of the new canvas, I choose to cut and re-solder the wires back together. The easier way would have been for Canvas Replacements to design a sleeve with Velcro going down the side so you could just open it up to place the wires inside.
The 2nd hurdle was that the instructions mentions how to install the top but has no mention of installing the bottom part of the canvas, at least for my model of camper. They do mention that there are 2 types of inserts and to check to see if the top and bottom insert on the canvas is the same or not, mine looked the same so I went with the 1st option. When it came down to installing the bottom insert I was unable to simple push it into the track. In order for me to accomplish this install I had to unscrew the track from the camper pull-out bed and push the track into the bottom insert on the canvas.
The other thing I would like to mention is that my Canvas is totally white with the exception of the tinted windows, it would have been nice if they would have asked me for a preference in color, white is the default color and as would already know does not stay clean very easily. A grey as the default color is probably a better choice.
My overall experience with my canvas has been a good one, so far it’s been raining for 12 hours and there are no leaks to be seen, I hope it Is durable as well especially the zippers. The biggest regret I have is the color of the canvas (Vinyl) if I did it over I would have asked for a grey.

Rating:  4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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