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by Christian Flucke Date Added: Wednesday 25 September, 2019
  I ordered the 28 3/4" whiffle tree to replace the tree on my '89 Laramie. My camper's whiffle tree that i was replacing used a ball bearing, and the new one does not, but i was told it would work anyway, and it did. Really easy to remove the old one and install the new one, especially if you have the instructions handy, (pdf can be found online). The new rod, as stated in the description, takes at least triple the cranks to raise and lower the roof. So do not be surprised once the new one is installed if it appears your roof is barely moving. Installation took less than an hour.

My only complaint is that the new rod arrived with the cable block attached at the wrong end, which really through me for a loop due to one end of the rod having one hole for a shear pin, and the other end having two holes for roll pins. But my wife and I were able to figure it out and just unscrew the block and screw it on to the other end after twenty minutes of confusion.

Rating:  5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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